
About BlockStarter

Blockstarter is a platform for decentralized crowdfunding. It is connected to a smart contract, placed on Ethereum testnet network - GOERLI. A user can create a campaign, put it on the blockchain, donate, withdraw, and request a refund in case of an unsuccessfull campaign. Campaign is successfull if the target amount is reached before the deadline. In that case, the campaign owner is able to withdraw all the funds sent to their campaign.

Available wallets : METAMASK, COINBASE WALLET AND WALLETCONNECT. MetaMask is my recommendation.

Features & functionalities

  • Browser-wallet authentication
  • Token donation
  • Token withdrawals
  • New campaign
  • Campaign search

Technologies used

  • Next JS
  • TypeScript
  • React Query
  • SASS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Material UI
  • thirdweb
  • ethers.js

And more

Smart contract source code
Project type:PRACTICE
Completed on:January 2023.